Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Photography - The New Cherry

Earlier in my Friday Photography series, I had some pictures of the Spoonbridge and Cherry at the Walker Art Center Sculpture Garden, minus the cherry. It was out for cleaning and refinishing. I took these pictures at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon in April.

So now the cherry is back, in all of its highly polished glory. I took the picture below and a series of pictures that go along with it around 7 o'clock in the morning in May.

There is a big difference here, not only in the lighting but in the colors, as the grass was still brown in my first picture. I love how the green of the trees contrast with the red in the new pictures. Because the sun is "behind" the cherry in this pic, the sky isn't as blue, though. That's remedied in the next picture, though.

Can I say I love this picture? It looks better than I expected it too, as I couldn't really see it well in the viewfinder. The other pics I took like this didn't quite make the impact this one does. It's so peaceful. This photo made the early-morning, rush-hour drive to the Walker completely worth it, even if I did miss getting sunrise pictures (which was my aim!).

Here is a link where you can see the rest of the Walker Art Sculpture Garden photo set. My Green Side also has a Photo Friday theme going. Today you can see a pic of Flowers from the Farm! I love all the blooming flowers of summer!

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